Friday, August 17, 2007

Only a miracle...

As I sit here with my jaw wired shut and bruises all over me, I am continually thanking God for what he has done this past week.

Sunday, we were on our way to church in Oklahoma City when we got into a construction zone. We were doing about 45 when a semi doing close to 75 rammed into the back of our SUV. The hauler also caught a lady in a small car with her 15-month-old son. And there were a couple of guys in a broken down truck who moved out of the way. Their truck was ruined, but they were not injured, thank God.

But what gets me the most is this. After the wreck happened, there was a man who showed and got all the citizens together. He told them about our SUV and the lady in the small car. And he assigned everyone to do something to help the victims. And when they all turned around, he was gone. I don't know about you, but I think it was an angel. God truly is miraculous.

As for our current state of being, we are all perfectly well, considering what would've happened. My dad has staples in his head, my mom got banged up pretty hard since she was driving, my brothers have some internal injuries, and I have a broken jaw. But other than that, we are all in ship-shape. Just pray for a speedy recovery so we can get back to Mexico as soon as possible.

God bless and thank you all for your prayers.

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