Thursday, March 22, 2007

Dirty Little Secret

This is something I wrote about what took place in II Samuel 11-12. It's the story of King David's sin. I find this to be most intriguing since it shows David's darker side and proved he wasn't always a clean spotless saint. SO enjoy and let me know what you think about it.

"Dirty Little Secret" by Nathan Guinn
Based On The Events Of II Samuel 11-12

Part I - The Deed
Standing over his marble balcony, David was amazed with what he saw. He saw one of the greatest kingdoms in the world. His kingom. The years had past, and after being a shepherd boy, defeating a giant, and dodging the the murderous attempts of the former king, everything had been paid off. He was finally king of Israel.
But something besides his kingdom caught his eye. It was woman. A beautiful woman. And much to his fleshly pleasure, she was bathing. One can only imagine what lustful thoughts ran through his head. Now, he had a new priority. It was to find out all about this woman. After all, he was the king. How hard could it be?
Before long he found out everything about this woman. Her name was Bathseba. She lived in the city and she was married. Her husband was away at war. Everything would work perfectly. The husband was away at war. She was alone. And nobody would ever find out about a little fling such as this. Nobody. Except for One.
Later that night, every bit of morality and holiness was thrown right out the window. David had gotten what he had so much desired. Her husband had yet to come home. And he was pretty sure that nothing would escape. Overnight, he had gone from the righteous king of Israel to an adulterous lustful liar.

Part II - The Crime
Riding in his horse, Uriah rode towards Israel. He couldn't wait to get home and see his beautiful wife. He thought of her as the most beautiful woman on Earth. Apperently, he wasn't the only one.
So far, he had no idea what had occured overnight. Meawhile, David sat in his home, very confident that what had happened would never be unveiled. But his party crashed when Bathseba approached him, with some news. She had conceived a child. Now, he had a problem. He knew the troops would be coming home that day, so he had to act quick. Now he resorted to the most natural thing he could think of. Keep the husband from coming home.
Approaching Israel, Uriah couldn't wait. His heart was pounding with excitement as he thought about coming home.
But his thoughts were interrupted when Joab, the head soldier, arrived with a message. Uriah was to go to the king's palace. Immediately. Upon arriving, he was greeted with a feast., complete with food and wine. All of this wasn't because the king had such respect for him. The actual plan was to get him so drink that he couldn't go home. And it worked.
The plan was working thus far. The next morning, David called upon the Uriah. "I want to make so rearrangements on the frontline." he said. The soldier listened intently. I want you to move Uriah to the front. But as soon as you get into the heat of the battle, tell all of the soldiers, except Uriah, to recede. I believe you see what I mean." Joab looked in horror at David. But he was given orders. Guilt-ridden, he gathered the troops for Uriah's last battle.
News came from the battlefield. The Israelites had a bloody, heated battle. And as part of David's orders, the entire line, with the excpetion of Uriah, stepped back. Alone and helpless, Uriah was killed in the heat of the battle.
Bathseba was horrified and saddened by the news of Uriah's death. Her beloved husband had been taken so viciously from her. David, of course, comforted her the whole time. He later on took her as his wife. Despite being guilty, he looked like the good-hearted comforter in this situation. Everything was covered up. No one woud ever know...

Part III - The Unveiling
Nathan, the prophet, walked up the steps into the king's palace. He entered the chambers, and saw David siting there. "Ah, Nathan! So good to see you! What brings you here?" David greeted him.
The prophet expressions remained unchanged. "Your Highness, I have something rather important to tell you. It's urgent." David had a rather concerned look on his face. "Oh my. Well, by all means, do tell me."
The prophet proceeded with this story. "There was a city with two men in it. One rich and one poor. The rich man had abundant flocks of sheep. The poor man had but one lamb, whom he treated as his own child. He fed it of his own food, gave to to drink of his own water, and it slept in his bed with him. He simply adored this lamb,
"But the rich man had a guest from afar, and went about to prepare a meal for his guest. But instead of using one of his own sheep, he took the lamb of the poor man. He cooked it and fed it to the guest. And the poor man was heart-broken."
David was infuriated. "Is this a true story?" Nathan said with a serious tone, "As true as I am standing here, yes, the story is true." David paced with anger. "I cannot believe this! This man will die for this. And he shall restore the other man's sheep fourfold. So tell me...who is this man?"
What Nathan would say next would leave David dumbfounded. "David, King of Israel, YOU are that man." David was speechless. He didn't grasp what the prophet had said. "But I...but, but..I don't understand..." he stammered. HE was the rich man? How could it be? Had the prophet perhaps gone mad?
"David, David," Nathan said shaking his head. "You have been blessed. You are king of Israel. You went from watching sheep to reigning an entire kingdom. All because of the will of God. But you had disrespectul to Him. It wasn;t enough was it. You slept with a married woman, and then killed her husband to cover it up.
For this act, evil will rise up against you in your own home. Your children will battle against each other. All because you did this in secrecy." David broke down. He had been caught red-handed. He couldn't lie his way out now. He had been caught but the God above.
But he did receive some mercy. Nathan proceeded to say, "The Lord has put away this sin. Just because of His love for you, you will be spared." But as a punishment of this deed, the baby that he had conceived would die shortly after birth.

Now think about this story. Everything that was said and done was covered up and swept under the rug. But you never know when somebody is going to lift up the rug...

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