Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A brief musing....

A professor here at Gateway once said that if the knowledge of him having an extramarital affair came to light in the church where he was on the ministry staff, he would never work there again, but he could go elsewhere and start anew. But if he came out of the closet, his ministry would die before he would have time to respond to the allegations. Thus denoting the controversial issue of homosexuality in the church that has divided congregations.

Taboo subjects in the church have always interested me, mainly this one. I know that whatever I say about it could end very badly for me, so I'll choose my words wisely for the next few paragraphs.

We claim to be evangelizing the world. In fact, the Bible does say, "...Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." (Mark 16:15 KJV) Here's my question: does this command exclude the homosexual community? Are they so far off that the very notion of salvation is not attainable to them?

No, the average Christian would say. God loves them, too. But are there conditions? Why is it that when one comes through the sanctuary doors, we run them out like a stray dog?
I just finished reading a book called No Perfect People Allowed by John Burke and I read several stories of homosexuals that did not feel comfortable in a traditional Christian church because they felt like they were being judged by the congregation. It is this fact among many others that has created such a hatred against Christians; we make the idea of finding a life in Christ so difficult for those who are seeking internal peace.

But they are living an immoral lifestyle cry the saints of the church. They are living in sin!

Here's another question (and pardon my brief spurt of sarcasm): if pride, bearing false witness, drug addiction, alcoholism, fornication, and adultery are overlooked in the church, why pay such special attention to homosexuality? I mean, if we're going to kick out the gays because of their living in sin, then let's do away with music ministers, musicians, youth pastors, preachers, Sunday School teachers, and other saints in the church. (Whew, okay, all done.)

Let me clarify something in case I have created doubt in the hearts of all who read this: I believe just as much as the next Christian guy that homosexuality is immoral. My "hate" speech against fellow Christians above may confuse some, but I am very much in agreement with those who think that homosexuality is an immoral, not alternative, lifestyle.

But just like the druggies and alcoholics that we try so desperately to reach, homosexuals are lost and in need of a Savior just as much as heterosexuals.

I am guilty of this and it is something I have, for the most part, stopped doing, but using derogatory terms for homosexuals doesn't exactly help our cred as Christians. Many a time have I heard Christians, mainly Pentecostals, use terms like "faggot." And over the past summer, I heard a young kid, not even sixteen, tell me that it was stupid to practice tolerance of gays. "I don't have to be nice to fags," they told me. "I can say whatever I want to say."

He's just a kid, you can say. I know, but I see people that are past this stage still talking within this vernacular. And if we are trying to reach a lost world, we need to expand our scope to include, dare I say it, homosexuals.

So there, I'll get off of my soapbox. I'm not here to bash people and force my views on everyone, but I do think this is something we need to pay much attention to, especially today. I fear that, in the process of becoming a church that is counter-culture, we have completely blocked out anyone we deem unacceptable and set ridiculous standards that not even we can keep up with. I think it's time we re-evaluate our priorities, because if we are going to reach the whole world, there are certain prejudices we need to work past, such as homosexuality in the church.

There's my piece. See y'all whenever I decide to write again. =D

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